I’m getting as tired of writing about this as you are not getting of tired of not reading it because nobody looks at this site unless they accidentally browse in through Google, but I had to do it once more before I forgot.

Same server from yesterday. I remembered that when I installed it and it worked, the Symantec Installation Manager prompted me early on to install an update for the program. This time and the first time, it did not do this. I also remembered it downloading CAB files for the products I was installing. Just now, I tried to force this behavior by doing the following:

-Completely uninstalled.

-Copyed all of the MSI files out of the Altiris file created by the self-extracting 64-bit setup. That left me with symantec_sim_7_1.exe and ssmrs.pl. When I ran the executable, it installed and then immediately prompted me to update to 7.1.5. The upgrade downloaded and installed without issue. I then ran the application and when I chose to install the Symantec Management Solution, it could not find the MSI (since I moved it to another earlier) so it began downloading the most recent version. It is downloading as I type this but this was what happened when I was able to make it work, though I don’t remember exactly what process I took to do it that time. This should do the trick, though; I don’t expect many problems now.

If this didn’t work, I was prepared to install that update manually after remembering that it downloaded itself to the legendary server that actually worked with this software. It is happily living on my server right now and I will gladly share the link with anyone in need. Shoot an email over to subvertallmedia AT gmail DOT com. This will hopefully be the last time I have to bitch about this software.