It’s been a few months since my last post. In that time, Woe went on tour with Mayhem for ten days, moved out of Philadelphia, was briefly put on an antipsychotic that turned me into a zombie, then a new antidepressant which also turned me into a zombie, checked out studio spaces, bought some new gear, and… well, I guess that’s it, more or less. I’ve been going through this thing where I think that nobody’s opinion matters, which also means that my opinion doesn’t matter, which gives me no incentive to write. Work has been interesting lately and I have done some tech stuff that’s pretty cool, though time didn’t allow me to document any of it, so I don’t really know why I’m mentioning it right now.

I think that the reason that I’m writing is because right now is the best I have felt while at home in Queens since moving up here. After months of running around, life is finally starting to feel somewhat normal again, and I’m feeling at home and like myself.

That’s about it for now. I’m going to update the gear list and will post again when I have something worth saying. For now, though, things are good.